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Sensory Exhibition

A silent auction exhibition was organized by Nour Hassan for her private art students in 2023. All the work was successfully sold. This was to teach the students various skills, from producing the work all the way to selling.

Nour has taken an interest in teaching children art alongside her own creative endeavours. Her curiosity and interest in children's spontaneity, imaginative discussions and willingness to play and experiment not only make her a dedicated and passionate teacher, but the process inspires her own work, too.  Nour places a great emphasis on curating an exhibition for the children at the end of a term or at the end of a workshop. This is to give the children's artwork a new meaning within a new context and to change the way children's art is valued. Family, friends, art lovers and visitors are encouraged to bid on their favourite artwork. This allows the children to experience competition, failure, winning and presenting themselves and their work to the general public within a safe, supportive and fun environment. 

QR codes were placed on the exhibition walls that recorded some of the student's conversations which allowed the visitors to get a snippet of the children's thought processes and discussions.

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